
Man years of experience in HTR technology and research reactors.

Gerd Brinkmann

Dr. Gerd Brinkmann

Dieter Vanvor

Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Vanvor

BriVaTech Consulting (BriVaTech) was founded in 2014 to capitalize on opportunities related to power industry restructuring, as well as the host of advanced technologies of value to the energy sector. We are based in Germany on several sites because we are using a lot of specialists in Germany. A core staff of several multi-disciplinary professionals with a lot of man-years of technology development, assessment, demonstration and commercialization experience related to advanced energy systems guide BriVaTech services. The BriVaTech staff draws upon an extensive network of Associates from throughout the industry that serve to broaden the intellectual base from which uniquely talented teams are formed to optimally serve our clients' needs. Our principal clients include utilities, utility generating and energy services subsidiaries, power equipment vendors, and project development/management firms that serve the industry. We also provide services to foreign and domestic start-up ventures, plus other technology and product developers, as well as to R&D organizations and national laboratories.